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Hopex usage analisys

Super Contributor



Is there an easy way to get visual statistics about Hopex usage (to see concurent accesses, licences utilisation) ?

Result should be someting like the attached screenshoot  (= usage analisys from another tool than Hopex).



5 Replies

Honored Contributor

We have also been looking at ways to create reports on usage/user activity. We're not as much concerned about license usage, but do want to track metrics like # of connections, length of transactions, open/stale transactions, etc.


We have also used Report DataSets to pull some usage statistics, like # of diagrams & objects created/modified, breakdown of diagrams by type, etc. to try and find activity trends by user group/architectural domain/etc.



Installation of SSP is not easy but possible with Windows Front-end in HOPEX V1R2-V1R3 or HOPEX V2.  

Note that user settings are managed differently if SSP is enabled.


I have build some scripts to get an idea of this. It's not real time but it gives me an overview of history data.

Super Contributor

Thank you Jerome for the quick answer. As we are still using the heavy client (in a CTRIX environement) , no way for us to use the "supervision log" for the moment.





HOPEX does not provide such a report out of the box.

However when SSP is active, the supervision log contains data material (supervision event) that can be used to build such reports. This required specific study, developpment and testing.


Example of supervision events

  • When connecting with login page: RepositorySessionConnect, LicenseLoginSuccess
  • When disconnecting with logout button/menu: RepositorySessionClose