‎14-03-2024 05:05 PM
Issue - We generate our Hopex 360 site once daily, which refreshes based on our entire published model inventory. This takes too long (5-6 hours) and time to generate will increase many times over as the inventory increases. 'Publishing' in this context means sending to a separate repository as well as a model data payload to an internal common service for reporting.
Requested Solution - Ability to update 360 pages only relevant for incremental models published (since the last site generation). Governance procedures could then enforce consistent volumes published each day and subsequently updated on 360 - managing daily time to generate the site.
‎19-03-2024 03:24 PM
Hello @william_noone,
Thanks for your post on the Hopex Forum. The best place to post this would be in our 'Ideas' page so that it has a higher visibility for consideration by the development team.
Here is the link > https://community.mega.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/idb-p/hopex-idea/page/2
Also, I found a very similar idea on that page. It might be worth revewing and commenting if you agree / like their points as well. This will show a higher level of community support for similar ideas.
Here is the link > https://community.mega.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/HOPEX-360-Portal-Content-Generation/idi-p/31386
I hope that this helps.
Kind regards,
‎18-03-2024 09:38 AM
We also see this as MAJOR issue, and allready have an open ticket with MEGA on HOPEX V5 CP6.
Our website geration time increased with a factor of 3 going from V5 CP4 to V5 CP6. We went from 8 hours to 24 hours in site generation time.
This is a major concern.