06-12-2016 08:43 AM
Hi all,
Is there a way to ensure that certain objects, for example the site metaclass, or the org-unit metaclass is always set to the lowest security level? This will be very useful in our library objects
29-12-2016 06:42 AM
Thanks for your reply Imran. I'm aware of confidentiality areas, but what about access set on metaclasses themselves.
For example, if every application manager (whose areas are already managed by confidentiality areas) is able to create their own messaging protocol, but whenever a messaging protocol is created, it is available to all. Essentially either the confidentiality of a metaclass is automatically set to standard or alternatively the confidentiality area check is bypassed for certain metaclasses.
How can we do this?
12-12-2016 08:13 AM
your lowest security level in Data Confidentiality is standard and highest is Administrator, as long as your object is set to Standard confidentiality it would be visible to all. You can set all objects confidentiality using option in mega.