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Does HOPEX support modeling flows as bi-directional?

Honored Contributor


Just trying to understand if Information flows can be modeled as bidirectional?  For example, with a line that has an arrow at both ends, rather than just one end ?


This question is specifically for flows between agents.   Not 'data flow" betwen an agent and a data store - I know those can be modeled as bidirectional.

2 Replies

Honored Contributor

Thanks Alan.

That is helpful.  I'll share with our users.



Hi Ben,

I hope you're well.

It depends on what type of flow you're modelling.

  • BPMN Message Flow
    • Yes, it supports bi-directionality.
    • Note that the arrow is not bi-directional but the contents being exchanged have additional arrowheads to show their direction.
  • Exchange Contract
    • This is an aggregation of BPMN Message Flows so supports bi-directionality of information while showing direction of dependency.
  • Application Flow
    • These show a sequential flow of information in a scenario and are derived from the UML Sequence Diagram so, no they don't show bi-directional flow.

From experience, this is because bi-directional arrows are notoriously "fuzzy" in their meaning, hence they're not included in most technical notations and that has a knock-on effect on HOPEX. I can't think of a place in the tool where double-headed arrows are used, but if I've forgotten anything then I'm sure someone will correct me!

Best wishes,


MEGA NA Princpial Consultant