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Data control when clicking on OK button of a page

Super Contributor



In Message object, we have 2 MetaAttributes :


Fréquence : MEGA comboBox with several values :

               A la demande

               Au fil de l’eau

               / heure

               / mois



SNCF – Période : customized field which can have numerical values (1, 2, 3..)


We want to display an error message when clicking on the OK button of the page (no message if we click on Apply button)  :


If Fréquence = («A la demande» Or « Au fil de l’eau Â»)  and SNCF – Période <> «» then

Display error message and the page is not closed


Is it possible ?


I thank you for your help


1 Reply

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

One way is to have the checks in a wizard when you create the object. You could also make the attributes mandatory and the user would be prompted that a mandatory field is missing.