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Configure how object is created

Super Contributor



I notice:

- When I create a new Database, a windows pop up to allow keying in Name of database

- When I create a new Table, it is created immidiately without aloowing the Name to be keyed in.

How can I configure to make creation of Table similar to that of Database? Thanks

5 Replies

Hello linhbui


This metamodel is specific.


I recommend you create data at persistance level.

Ex: instead of creating an Entity (DM) object, create a class with stereotype 'Entity'


Super Contributor

Actually I was trying to create a metawizard to execute some code after object creation for Data Model, Database, Entity (DM) and Table (eg. connect Data Model to Database with the same name). I managed to get metawizards work for Data Model and Database, but for some reason, Entity (DM) and Table dont run metawizards connected to them at all.


May be it is hard-coded like you said. Do let me know if you have any suggestions for my case. Thanks a lot for the help!!!



This is probably because the MetaClass Table has a specific naming rule.

Indeed, various MetaClass have a specific naming (called server name). It is sometimes hard-coded and sometimes coded in a VB script macro. In both case, it is note recommended to change this naming rule.


The following query lists MetaClass having a specific naming

Select [MetaClass] Where MetaAttribute.([Substituted MetaAttribute]="Name"And Name Not="Generic Local name")



Super Contributor

Hi Jerome,


Thanks for prompt answer.


Both Database and Table metaclasses dont have Creation Wizard, so I take that as the above behaviour is configured using  'Kind provider'.

I have tried the guide, but still unable to figure out how to allow pop up for "Name" input when creating a new Table. Do you know which 'Kind Provider' I should change to implement this? Thanks 


Hello linhbui


Customization of creation is made by customizing the corresponding Metaclass (Database, Table..)

  • Configuring the property 'Kind provider' (basic cases)
  • Creation a MetaWizard object (advanced cases)


This is an expert configuration that requires configuration and testing.

Please read the article Courseware - MEGA Wizard Implementation_MEGA 2009 SP5 EN
