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Compilation Error

Trusted Contributor

Hi community. 

I'm receiving an error while trying to compile an environment. 

"Compilation of technical data failed" "Internal error" then compilation failed. 

After that I'm receiving another error when I try to login into hopex desktop application, "Internal error occurred when compiling query..."

Then if I try to do anything into hopex application I'm receiving the error "Script error Error(0x800s03ec")

It was working fine this same week. I clicked on "report" (compilation window) and the txt file says "Warning: Compilation event occured while processing [MetaClass]Risk (929194283CED0157)"

I'm attaching SS. 

Any idea about these problems? 

Kind regards.



2 Replies

Hi @simikadampatta thank you for the answer, I'll try your recommendation. Regards. 

Trusted Contributor


I faced a similar error a few months back. I raised a case with Support and received the recommendation to clean the SystemDb workspace, to compile again and choose the "Delete previous compilations" option. This worked for me.

