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Automate database (GBMS) reorganization




Is there a way to automatise the reorganization of our database (in GBMS format) with mega API ?




Olivier Bories

5 Replies

I have created an improvement request so that MEGA Product Management can consider this development in a future version.


@jhorber wrote:

Hello m van poucke


It is not possible to initialize the systemdb (function Reset) with API script.


As a consequence the only solution to reorganize systemdb is to run the reorganization process in interactive mode


  • Run the MEGA Administration program
  • Open the environment
  • Select the systemdb
  • Right-click > Reorganize
  • Click 'Apply'
    Wait until processing is terminated
  • Exit the MEGA Administration program


So no possibility to automate a reorganisation of a SystemDB repository ! Is it possible this will be provided once ???



m van poucke

Hello m van poucke


It is not possible to initialize the systemdb (function Reset) with API script.


As a consequence the only solution to reorganize systemdb is to run the reorganization process in interactive mode


  • Run the MEGA Administration program
  • Open the environment
  • Select the systemdb
  • Right-click > Reorganize
  • Click 'Apply'
    Wait until processing is terminated
  • Exit the MEGA Administration program

So reorganize a DATA repository can be done by API.

But how can we automate the reorganization of a SYSTEMDB repository ?


m van poucke


Hello Olivier


Yes, except for systemdb.

A repository reorganization is a sequence of the following processing:

  • Logical backup to a command file
  • Initialization
  • Import logical backup command file

In API script, there are 3 functions for the object MetaDatabase

  • Logical Backup --> function LogicalSave
  • Initialization --> function Reset
  • Import --> function Import


If logfile is enabled for the repository and you need to keep it at reorganization you have to pay attention:

  • Generation logical backup with logfile
  • Import logical backup with logfile