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Application Environment Diagram


Application Environment diagram.png


Environment diagrams provide a simple overview of an application by describing main exchanges only. The application is treated as a black box and stakeholders place the application in its environment without considering its internal architecture.

3 Replies

New Contributor

Is there a plan for Mega to improve their graphics across Hopex? Overall, all the illustrations are very low contrast, flat and antiquated. 

Thanks for your feedback.
It's an ongoing process to improve our user interface and we already have improved graphics and diagrams in the recent versions of HOPEX.

In the next release of HOPEX, you may also see new improvements, in particular for HOPEX Explorer.


New Contributor

Great, thank you. 

Unfortunately, based off the new release webinar, it looks like the systems graphics were unaltered (at least in all diagrams). There is also a poor optimization of space within the tool. For example, diagrams do not automatically scale to best fit user's screens, niether do reports. This is also consistant with the display of columns across the app. The length of the columns frequently cut off contents when half the page has blank real estate (see picture). 


Please take this as constructive criticism. Thank you!WizardHopex.png