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API MEGA : Error in code to add an application into a library



Here is a Excel VBA macro below in order to add an application and adding it into a library (Bibliothèque).

I encountered a problem in the code compilation (see the bold line in the source code below).

I tried a lot of syntax cases without success.

Is someone could help me (for instance a sample of coding that works in VBA)?

Thanks in advance.



My code below and the error message


' Creation d'une nouvelle application

Function AddAppUti(oAppName As String, oBibLoc As MegaObject, oMegaRoot As MegaRoot) As MegaObject


Dim OINUti As MegaObject 'instance
Dim oMyCollection As MegaCollection ' collection


Const CentralIBFS As String = ")1NWy6usDXSO" ' Bib central

Select Case Left(oAppName, InStr(oAppName, "-") - 1)

    Case "HARPE", TRANS 'Application catalogue
        ' traitée manuellement
        Set AddAppUti = Nothing
    Case Else 'Autre application
        ' creation d'une application
    Set AddAppUti = oMegaRoot.GetSelection("Select Application Inherited where [Nom court] =""" & oAppName & """").Item(1)
        If IsEmpty(AddAppUti.GetID) Then ' création d'une application
            Set AddAppUti = oMegaRoot.GetCollection("Application").Create(oAppName)
            ' rattachement bibliothèque
            oBibLoc.GetCollection("Elément contenu").Add AddAppUti.GetID <<< error to the compilation    
            Set OINUti = AddAppUti.GetCollection("Instance d'application (SG) utilisée").Item(1)
            If IsEmpty(OINUti.GetID) Then 'creation d'instance
                Set OINUti = AddAppUti.GetCollection("Instance d'application (SG) utilisée").Add(oAppName)
                ' rattachement bibliothèque
                oBibLoc.GetRoot.GetCollection("Instance d'application (SG)").Add OINUti.GetID
            End If
        End If
End Select

End Function


The error message




2 Replies

Thank you Stephane for your help


the second method works !!!


here is the final coding.


        Set AddAppUti = oMegaRoot.GetSelection("Select Application Inherited where [Nom court] =""" & oAppName & """").Item(1)
        If IsEmpty(AddAppUti.GetID) Then ' création d'une application
            Set AddAppUti = oMegaRoot.GetCollection("Application").Create(oAppName)
            ' rattachement bibliothèque
            Set AddAppUti = oBibLoc.GetCollection("Elément contenu").Add(AddAppUti.GetID)
            Set OinUti = oMegaRoot.GetSelection("Select [Instance d'application (SG)] Inherited Where [Utilisation d'application].[Nom court] =""" & oAppName & """").Item(1)
            If IsEmpty(OinUti.GetID) Then 'creation d'instance
                Set OinUti = oMegaRoot.GetRoot.GetCollection("Instance d'application (SG)").Create(oAppName)
            ' rattachement application utilisée
                Set AddAppUti = OinUti.GetCollection("Utilisation d'application").Add(AddAppUti.GetID)
             ' rattachement bibliothèque
                Set OinUti = oBibLoc.GetCollection("Elément contenu").Add(OinUti.GetID)
            End If
        End If

Super Contributor



did you try to use insert instead of add?

oBibLoc.GetCollection("Elément contenu").insert AddAppUti


or like you did later in your code, try to set the result of the add function to a variable.

dim oTmp as MegaObject

set oTmp = oBibLoc.GetCollection("Elément contenu").Add(AddAppUti)


