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Human resources management, regulations, and digital transformation

In recent years, the HR function has changed dramatically. Additional legal obligations, regulations, and other standards have greatly complicated processes, reinforcing the need for administrative management. The result is that HR teams have actually become more distanced from employees in their support and development objectives.

This observation is even more obvious as a company grows and becomes more international, with an accumulation of constraints and regulations specific to each geographical area.

In addition to the regulatory and administrative constraints, the digital transformation of organizations has largely redefined the role of HR. The challenge is then to reconcile the benefits of new digital tools while maintaining a close relationship with employees.


What are the benefits of digital for HR?  

Just like other functions in organizations, human resources are benefiting from digitization with efficient Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) for secure and centralized data, simplified administrative management, relevant reporting, and a more fluid relationship with employees. The development of digitalization has made it possible to limit time-consuming tasks that add limited value.

Similarly, online communications for employees have accelerated through intranets and social networks. Employees, especially "digital natives", appreciate having quick access to all HR information in a few clicks: company documents (ethics charter, internal regulations, CSR document, etc.) or individual documents (payslips, leave statements, interviews, etc.).

In addition, HR makes user guides available on dedicated portals to help employees use the new tools: absences, travel, expenses, etc. For HR teams, as well as empowering employees with the information they need when they need it, the implementation of these tools is a considerable time saver that allows them to focus on their core function, the management of human capital.


Supporting employees in the digital age, the real added value of HR

The best employee experience is based around several key steps: Onboarding, training, feedback interviews, etc. to jointly build individualized career paths within the company. These are important communication opportunities that create links, promote a feeling of loyalty, generate commitment, and contribute to enhancing the employer’s brand as a great place to work.

While top management defines business and strategic objectives, the mission of HR departments is to focus on internal "human capital" as a strategic asset to accelerate the required transformation towards a resilient organization.

Even today, the crucial challenges facing organizations remain more "human" than "digital", i.e. developing careers, building skills, recruiting and retaining talent, fostering agility, rethinking training, listening, supporting employees collectively and individually – facilitated by the personalized and adapted insights that digitization enables.