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Help with Property Matrix

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

I have created a Property Matrix Report with the Report Wizard. I have changed the report so it’s not showing attributes but rather it runs a query for each column. The report is working fine and is showing objects as expected.

Is there a way to calculate the number of objects in each cell instead of actually showing the objects?

There is function in property reports that counts the cell object – but since I’m running a Query, it just returns  1




Function IReportGenerator_getAnalysisReport(oRoot, oIAnalysis)
Dim oMatrixFromProperties
set oMatrixFromProperties = oRoot.CurrentEnvironment.GetMacro ("~yiWmTJCN9L21[GAT MatrixFromProperties]")

Dim oGATUtilitiesMacro
set oGATUtilitiesMacro = oRoot.CurrentEnvironment.GetMacro ("~AyeLaJ(A9Pz4[GAT Utilities]")

Dim oMegaUtilitiesMacro
Set oMegaUtilitiesMacro = oRoot.CurrentEnvironment.GetMacro("~2l)pZRjj1X40[MEGA utilities]")

' TODO: Change the content of the two following code templates to display a text before and after the matrix.
Dim sIntroductionText, sConclusionText
sIntroductionText = oMegaUtilitiesMacro.CT (oRoot, "~MpRBjEpBJHrD[Introduction - Application Statistics]")
sConclusionText = oMegaUtilitiesMacro.CT (oRoot, "~bpRBjEpBJDsD[Conclusion - Application Statistics]")

oMatrixFromProperties.bRemoveEmptyColumns = false
oMatrixFromProperties.bRemoveEmptyRows = true

' TODO: To replace the text of an item in the cell by a user-defined item text, remove the comment below.
' If the comment is removed, the macro must implement the hookCellItem function.
' Set oMatrixFromProperties.hookCellItemComponent = MySelf

' TODO: To replace the cell content by a user-defined content, remove the comment below.
' If the comment is removed, the macro must implement the hookCellContent function.
' Set oMatrixFromProperties.hookCellContentComponent = MySelf


ReDim aProperties(8)

'Following is queries extracting information about applications in a Library

aProperties(1) = "~mpRBn2pBJ5tC[All applications in Library]"
aProperties(2) = "~HoRBa3pBJzzC[Applications without Application Code]"
aProperties(3) = "~EpRBf6pBJL5D[Application with Environment Diagram]"
aProperties(4) = "~gnRBS7pBJvBD[Application with Internal Diagram]"
aProperties(5) = "~)oRBeApBJLKD[Application connected to city plan area]"
aProperties(6) = "~PnRBGBpBJTRD[Application connected to Functionality]"
aProperties(7) = "~npRBrBpBJbYD[Application connected to System Used]"
aProperties(8) = "~4oRBLCpBJjfD[Application with Required Artifact]"


IReportGenerator_getAnalysisReport = oMatrixFromProperties.getPropertiesReport (oRoot, oIAnalysis, _
"~IoRBjEpBJ1nD[Library]", aProperties, sIntroductionText, sConclusionText)
End Function

2 Replies

Thx - spot on !

Super Contributor



The only way I found so far is to use GetSelection in the Report (see the code below)

The good thing is you can create a hideable table. That means you show the number of objects in the first line, and if you click on the little "+" you get to see the details. (See report result.png attached.)

Downside is that this is not great from a performance perspective.


Hope that helps.


Option Explicit

Function IAnalysisReportGenerator_Title(oRoot, oAnalysis, oGenerationContext)
  IAnalysisReportGenerator_Title = "Show Hide Table Section"
End Function

Function IReportGenerator_getAnalysisReport(oRoot, oIAnalysis)
  'Declaration and assignment of common Variables and Utilities
  Dim oAnalysisParameter, ocCompositeValues, oIConcept, oCompositeValue
  Dim oWebiManager, oWebiObjectWrapper, oMegaUtilitiesMacro, oWebiTool

  Set oMegaUtilitiesMacro =  oRoot.CurrentEnvironment.GetMacro("MEGA utilities")
  Set oWebiManager = oIAnalysis.GenerationContext.oMegaWebInterfaceManager
  Set oWebiObjectWrapper = oWebiManager.newMWMegaObjectWrapper
  Set oWebiTool = oWebiManager.newMWToolBox

  Dim oTable
  Dim ocProject
  Dim oProject, oReq, oDep, oObj, oRisk, oSite
 	Dim oSubPro
  Dim colReq, colDep, colObj, colRisk, colSite
  Dim strReq, strDep, strObj, strRisk, strPro, strSite, strSubPro, strStd

  Set ocProject = oWebiTool.createCollection 

  For Each oAnalysisParameter in oIAnalysis.AnalysisParameters
	  Set ocCompositeValues = oIAnalysis.getParameterValues(oAnalysisParameter)
  	For Each oCompositeValue In ocCompositeValues
     		For Each oIConcept In oCompositeValue.IParameterCompositeValue_IConcept
		  	Dim omoMegaObject
			  Set omoMegaObject = oIConcept.oConceptManager.getMegaObject(
  			ocProject.Add omoMegaObject

  Set oTable = oWebiManager.newMWShowHideSectionsTable
  oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddFirstLine 2
  oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent "Status"
  oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent "Application"
  oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent "Org-Unit"
  oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent "Capability"
  oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent "Standard"
  oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent "Risks"
  oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent "Estimated Cost"

dim oEstCost
dim boolCost

Set oEstcost = oRoot.GetSelection("Select [MetaAttribute] where [Name] 'Estimated Cost'").Item(1)
If oEstcost.isAvailable = True then
boolCost = 1
end if

Set ocProject = oRoot.GetSelection("Select [Project] Where not [Current Project Phase] =  '1' and Not [Current Project Status] =  'Completed' And Not [Current Project Status] = 'Rejected' And Not [Current Project Status] = 'Shelved'", "Short Name")

'Main Line
For Each oProject in ocProject

strPro = oProject.GetProp("Name")

Dim ProCost

If boolCost = 1  Then
	ProCost = oProject.GetProp("Estimated Cost")
	ProCost = "N/A"
End If

'End if

    oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddElementLine oWebiObjectWrapper.WrappedProperty(oProject,"Short Name",True), 1
    oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent oProject.GetProp("Current Project Phase","External")
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent oProject.GetSelection("Select [Application] where [Project] = '"& strPro &"'").Count
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent oProject.GetSelection("Select [Org-Unit] where [Project] = '"& strPro &"'").Count
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent oProject.GetSelection("Select [Capability] where [Project] = '"& strPro &"'").Count
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent oProject.GetSelection("Select [Standard] where [Project] = '"& strPro &"'").Count
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent oProject.GetCollection("Risk").Count
	If ProCost <> "" and ProCost <> "N/A" then
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent formatcurrency(ProCost)
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent ProCost
	End If
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddElementLine "Details", 2

		strReq = ""
		strDep = ""
		strObj = ""
    strStd = ""
		strRisk = ""

		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent " " 

		For Each oReq in oProject.GetSelection("Select [Application] where [Project] = '"& strPro &"'")
				strReq = strReq & vbCrlf & oWebiObjectWrapper.WrappedProperty(oReq,"Short Name",True)
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent strReq

		For Each oDep in oProject.GetSelection("Select [Org-Unit] where [Project] = '"& strPro &"'")
				strDep = strDep & vbCrlf & oWebiObjectWrapper.WrappedProperty(oDep,"Short Name",True)
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent strDep 

		For Each oObj in oProject.GetSelection("Select [Capability] where [Project] = '"& strPro &"'")
				strObj = strObj & vbCrlf & oWebiObjectWrapper.WrappedProperty(oObj,"Short Name",True)
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent strObj 

		For Each oObj in oProject.GetSelection("Select [Standard] where [Project] = '"& strPro &"'")
				strStd = strStd & vbCrlf & oWebiObjectWrapper.WrappedProperty(oObj,"Short Name",True)
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent strStd 

		For Each oRisk in oProject.GetCollection("Risk")
				strRisk = strRisk & vbCrlf & oWebiObjectWrapper.WrappedProperty(oRisk,"Short Name",True)
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent strRisk 

		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent " " 

' Sub Line

    For Each oSubPro in oProject.GetCollection("Project Step")
    oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddElementLine oWebiObjectWrapper.WrappedProperty(oSubPro,"Short Name",True), 2
    strSubPro = oSubPro.GetProp("Name")

    oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent oSubPro.GetProp("Current Project Phase","External")
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent oSubPro.GetSelection("Select [Application] where [Project] = '"& strSubPro &"'").Count
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent oSubPro.GetSelection("Select [Org-Unit] where [Project] = '"& strSubPro &"'").Count
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent oSubPro.GetSelection("Select [Capability] where [Project] = '"& strSubPro &"'").Count
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent oSubPro.GetSelection("Select [Standard] where [Project] = '"& strSubPro &"'").Count
		oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent oSubPro.GetCollection("Risk").Count
		If boolCost = 1  Then
			ProCost = oSubPro.GetProp("Estimated Cost")
			ProCost = "N/A"
		End If
		If ProCost <> "" and ProCost <> "N/A" then
				oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent formatcurrency(ProCost)
				oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_AddContent ProCost
		End If


IReportGenerator_getAnalysisReport = oTable.IShowHideSectionsTable_getHTMLTable

End Function