‎24-04-2019 11:00 PM
I'd like to get insight from anyone that has implemented an LDAP integration and what is required to get it configured and functional?
Our desire is when a person is being connected to an object, 1) search the Hopex internal Person records, 2)if not found, then perform a LDAP search.
During our initial implementation, we tried to load our companies LDAP population. Hopex became relatively un-usable when we reach ~40,000 person records. Our company has roughly ~130,000 LDAP person records.
Hence, this is why we want to try building up the Hopex internal Person as persons are connected to an object.
‎30-05-2019 05:49 PM
I would recommend you access the online doc and review the LDAP documenation shown in my attached screenshot. If after reviewing that you still are unable to accomplish your goal i would advise you open a Support Case and we can have the appropriate team member assist.
MEGA Technical Support