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Supervisor functionalities access filtering

Super Contributor



For some functional administration tasks I'd like to give access to the "Compare and Align" functionality to some of our users.


I know that I have to give them access to the Mega Supervisor licence --> no problem.

But with that licence they also have access to other admin functionalities like objects protection,......

So is there a way to filter those accesses, oy maybe hide/disable those entries in the Tools menu or Contextual menus.


Thanks in advance for your help




6 Replies

Does this also pertain to Merge capability. Only admins can, but can this be modfied to hide the meta studio tab in the Navigation windows menu?

Hello Stephane


So the only way I see is to create that file and the parse it.

--> yes, I am afraid


Unless of course you accept that users see other menu items and commit themselves NOT to use them




Super Contributor



Sorry for the delay and thanks for the file.

But that's the one I already have and there is no clue on how to get the result of the comparison except in a file.


So the only way I see is to create that file and the parse it.





is it possible to have the result of the compare that I can display to the user before aligning datas?

--> Not sure, you have to check.

See the article 'Customizing perimeter EN.pdf' p25 available in this page


Super Contributor

Hi Jerome,


thanks for your reply.


Ok to build an application that use the Mega API but with the CompareTool API is it possible to have the result of the compare that I can display to the user before aligning datas?







Hello Stephane


In general with MEGA 2009 SP5

There is no option to display only the menu item Manage >  Compare and Align

It is not possible either to tune the list of menu items (Merge, Protect object, Compare and Align..) by a configuration.


This would require a change in the packaging of products.


In the short term, the only option I see is to build an application with API script that run the compare and aligne processing.

However you need to developp a GIU to set comparison parameters.


Note that the next major version (MEGA 2013) should enable to control the display of a menu item like 'Protect object' for a profile (a profile is a set of consistent permissions that apply to a group of users) 
