‎08-06-2020 03:36 PM
By passing from HOPEX V2 to HOPEX V3 the keyword object became tag.
Since then, I tried to change one of my query without success (internal error during the execution of the query)
Old query (V2)
Select [mot-clé] Where [Dossier parent]='Ordonnancer' And [Elément avec mot-clé].[Nom court] like 'XXX'
New query (V3)
Select [Tag] Where [Schéma parent]='Ordonnancer' And [Elément avec tags].[Nom court] like 'XXX'
I don't understand why it doesn't work ?
‎08-06-2020 04:20 PM
I tried this query :
Select ~VrUiN9B5iSN0{S}[Tag]
Where ~HSGZW8vY1zF0{P}[Parent Schema]='Ordonnancer'
And ~QNBAAlJF9bM2{P}[Element with tags].~Z20000000D60{A}[ShortName] Like 'XXX'
and I can't reproduce your error.
Yet, I had a similar error on another query where the problem was due to the data. In my case there was more details in the megaerror log.
The support gave me a procedure to follow to Repeair the data. Maybe this is you case.