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Problem to install v5

Trusted Contributor

Hi community. 

We are trying to install the new Hopex v5, but there is something that is sttoping us. I'm attaching the jpg to show the problem. It says "invalid databse connection settings" at database connection field, but the data we are typing is correct, that is the server name, and that is the sql instance name, but still we are receiving that problem. What could be the problem, or the solution here? 

Thanks and regards. 

4 Replies

Trusted Contributor

We did not change too much, we noticed that SQL was created with an incorrect instance name. We rename the instance and that's it.

Thanks for helping. Regards. 


Could you share some screenshot of setting you have changed in SQL to make it work ?

Trusted Contributor

Using your second question as guide, we checked some information related to how SQL is installed, and we fixed the problem, thanks. 




We need more information to help you with this issue.


  • Can you shared detailed logs ?
  • Can you confirm how is installed SQL SErver ?
  • Which version it is ? 
  • Share the process that are running ?
  • Is SQL Server on the same server or another one ? Are the protocols/ports opens ?