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MEGA Application Extract

New Contributor

I have a requirement to extract information from MEGA which includes downstreams and upstreams systems/applications. Is there a query which I can use to extract this information?


In the example below for application “MULTIFONDS” we have 44 diagrams which are either feeding up/down the MULTIFONDS application. Would it possible to extract the names of these diagrams?



5 Replies

See as a mega admin when i receive a request I do something quick and write a script that print html and do simple formating and send the report


For reqular use i put the following script in a macro of a report and give user access to the report and they can create it.


For more out of the box approach put he following queries in Report headers and use a method to calculate output, whichever is your preference.


for example:

Set attrs = getSelection("Select MetaAttribute where metaclass ='Application'")
Set apps = getCollection("Application")

print "<table><tr>"
 for each a in attrs
  print "<th>" & a.Name & "</th>"
print "</tr>"

for each app in apps
 print "<tr>"
 for each a in attrs
    print "<td>" & app.getProp(a.ShortName) & "</td>"
  print "</tr>"

print "</table>"



Thanks imran, this is fine but only shows me the diagrams assosicated with the application. I really require similar info which is shown on the generated website for applications. The Message flows "To" the specific application and the Message flows "From" the application

Thank you ugupta, this is very good. Do you mind sharing details on how you produced this report. 


Thanks, Mehul

New Contributor

We had a similar request and we created a Analysis Discovery report to publish Upstream and Down Stream applications. After the report generation you can export it in Word or PDF.


Basically we used the Message association to get to source and target applications. If this something useful I can share how we did this. Attached is the sample report.

Trusted Contributor


I am not sure If you want something simple like


Select [Diagram] where [Application].[Short Name] = "Multifond"