20-09-2016 01:54 PM
we modified the metamodel by adding a meta-attribute ("YMLS2") for the association between 2 classes ("Objet partagé" and "Enchainement").
How can I get this attribute value with a query for a specific Object ?
Tnahks for help.
21-09-2016 07:07 AM
if you have a sample code to what you are trying to achieve may be I can help further.
20-09-2016 05:02 PM
You need to learn how to browse metamodel using API script
See online documentation
HOPEX Power Studio (EN) : HOPEX APIs : All about starting with APIs : API Use Principles
20-09-2016 03:10 PM
Thanks for this reply.
In our case, our aim is to get the attribute value in an Excel macro.
So is there a way to select the association itself ? (to get and display the attribute value)
20-09-2016 02:13 PM
Use the following syntax
[<MetaAssocationEnd name>].[<MetaAttribute name>]=<Value>
Select [Business Process] Where [Component].[Order] = "10"
Note that syntax is more subtle when several condition are related to the same link (MetaAssociationEnd)
This query is not correct
Select [Business Process] Where [Component].[Name]="Business Process-1" And [Component].[Order] = "10"
This query is correct
Select [Business Process] Where [Component].([Name]="Business Process-1" And [Order] = "10")
See online documentation for more details
HOPEX Power Studio (EN) : Customizing the Metamodel : Query Syntax