21-03-2014 11:50 AM
I have a question about HTML descriptions and specifically about the rendering of text fields like "Comment".
For example, I have a object with the following layout:
In a description I just use the line:
And here is the final rendering:
So is there a way to have the same layout in the website than in the field of the Mega Object?
Thanks for your help
07-04-2014 10:18 AM
Try this from VB macro, it keeps some of the formatting:
oOrgUnit.GetFormated("~f10000000b20[Comment]", "html")
04-04-2014 02:11 PM
By default the comment field is an rtf field I thought. The word styles are not converted/mapped to html styles I would say. Maybe if you change the format of a text field to HTML instead of rtf that works. Never done this, I would try it out with a new metaattribute first though.