‎12-10-2017 11:29 AM
I contact you because we have a problem in a mass import in HOPEX V2.
When we try to do a mass import of messages, the import is KO (we use a batch file).
We have the followin erreor :
23h18m23- No more threads can be created in the system. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700A4)
23h18m24- Stacktrace error : at MegaMapp.MegaCollection.get_Count()
at Injector.functions.traiterObjet(JToken tknJson, Obj oParam, MegaObject oParent)
at Injector.functions.traiterObjet(JToken tknJson, Obj oParam, MegaObject oParent)
at Injector.functions.traiterObjet(JToken tknJson, Obj oParam, MegaObject oParent)
at Injector.functions.scheduleImport()
23h18m24- Generation abort
Why is this mass import KO ?
Thank you in advance for your answer 🙂
‎21-11-2017 10:10 AM
Is this a recurring error? It looks like there is still a previous process running and that therefore your request can not be handled ?