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Excel export for Profile assignments

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner



In order to export the profile assignments to an excel file, which MetaAttribut is used for Repository name? It is easy to find the "Assigned Login Holder" and "Assigned Profile" on MetaClass "Profile Assignment" but how can we find the "Repository"?





3 Replies

You are right. 

One option I see is to set this in the export. It will list the name of the assignment with the repository name inside + profile. But not handy to work with.

Profile AssignmentShort Name
iBZ668LiPTujDesign - Mega - HOPEX Administrator
ujVzpTlvPT8MTraining - Mega - Enterprise Architect

I tried this option, but seems like there is a bug. The last column should be Name, not Short Name, it will remain empty. 

Profile AssignmentShort NameReferenced Generic Object SystemRepositoryShort Name
iBZ668LiPTujDesign - Mega - HOPEX Administrator   
2qcuIAETYr0NDesign - Mega - HITA - IT Architect (v2)   
X)9j)LhLRfu7All Repositories - Mega - HOPEX Customizer   
y5yvh5XyMPjEAll Repositories - Mega - HOPEX Administrator   
ujVzpTlvPT8MTraining - Mega - Enterprise Architect   

That only shows, how many repositories the profile is assigned to i.e. "All Repositories" or "One Repository", it doesn show the name of the repository.

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

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