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Error Invoking Word Macro 66h when generating a document

Super Contributor

Hello All,


I am wondering if anyone has encounter the error message below when trying to generate a document in MEGA using rtf descriptors.


Error Invoking Word Macro #66h: You have exceeded the maximum number of pages supported by Microsoft Word or this document may be damaged."


This has occurred after a recent upgrade from CP0 to CP11. Oddly, after this message displays, I can view my document and it looks ok. However it takes almost an hour to generate one document so its obviously getting stuck at this point. It occurs during the "updating styles" part of the generation.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.






5 Replies

Super Contributor



I have figured out what is causing the error. Its the "Table of Contents" we have added to our Document Template. If I remove it I get no problems. Have you come across this before?



Hello Aaron


Thanks for your feedback. I understand you have solved the issue.


I understand you have developped again the report template (MS Word) from scratch

The cause is not clear. I can try an hypothesis.

Unless I am mistaken you did not developp again the RTF descriptor. We could then assume that the issue is located in the body of the report template (MS Word). Probaby the RTF code has become invalid at some point. It could be caused by a copy paste from an external source.




I tried your solution and purging the descriptors but could not fix it. I have managed to get around the issue by creating  a brand new document template instead of working with the old one that was causing issues. I think it is something to do with the Word Version being useed on the old template as it won't update to my new version of word whereas my new template does.


I have noticed one additional error where if a user has copy and pasted a table into an objects comment box, the template keeps looping it over and over when a document generates. Do you know why this might be happening?


Kind Regards,


Super Contributor

Thanks Jerome I'll give your suggestions a shot and let you know.


Kind Regards,



Hello Scriv1989 


If the error occurs repeatedly, it can be

  • An issue with data (ex: RTF values of text), espacially if texts are entered by copy/paste
  • An issue with RTF descriptor

Slow performances can caused by large volume of data

It can also be an incorrect definition of RTF descriptors

See this KB

