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Command line options for installation and administration

New Contributor

I'm sorry if this was covered somewhere else, but after some searching I couldn't find it.


Are there command line flags to install the HOPEX Web Front End? If so, is there a guide for them?

Also, once installed, is there any way to configure the product by using the command line?

3 Replies


see Installation and Deployment : Installation and Deployment : Windows Front-End Installation Guide HOPEX V2 EN : Appendix

Example of command lines for HOPEX Web Front-End

List of program features displayed in the setup wizard


Thanks Jarome. 


I'm looking through the documentation and I don't see any command line paramters listed for the custom/advanced install. The documentation shows you how to install using the GUI, but nothing for the commandline.




Installation packages provided by MEGA are MSI files (master of version) and MSP files (hotfix, CP/update).

As such they can be installed via command line.

For standard installation parameters, see installshied documentation

For custom installation parameter see online documentation in MEGA Community

Ex: online documentation for HOPEX V2, section Installation and Deployment : Installation and Deployment : Windows Front-End Installation Guide HOPEX V2 EN


At runtime, you cannot use command line with administration consoles.
