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Changing "on the fly" the edition option of a property in a property page

Honored Contributor


In a MetaClass (we have) several customized MetaAttributes which are opened to a user to be filled except if the instance of this Metaclass is linked with a "reference"  then these several MetaAttributes won't be available yet to be editing ...


The MetaAttributes will be virtual ones associated to a macro ..

In this macro can we change "on the fly" the editing properties of a field in a Property Page (to be triggered from  0x2 to 0x207)  ?

It is sure that this property is defined on the MetaAtrtibute and compiled but otherwise can we change it   ?



Lionel Mazurié
7 Replies

Hello Lionel,


I thought about it, but did not figure out how to do that.

I think you should create a new topic for that question (as this one is already marked as "solved") to see if someone else has an idea 🙂



Honored Contributor

Hello Lionel


Yes it was the first case "enable link between two objects according to specific conditions".

I want to deactivate the connect/disconnect if a condition is satisfied.


I have seen several MetaAssociationEnd to connect a macro to a MetaAssociation or a MetaAssociationEn it's why i was wondering if it is possible ...    i 







Lionel Mazurié

Hello Lionel,


I do not understand your need.

Do you want to enable link between two objects according to specific conditions, or do you want to enable (or not) metaAttribute modification depending on if the object is linked or not to another one ?

In the second case, you simply have to write your condition in the "AttCtl_GetDefaultKind" function :


If myObject.getCollection("myMetaAssocitionEnd").count > 0 Then


In the first case... well I do not know. Tell me if it is  what you need and I will see if something is possible.




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Honored Contributor

Tried: yes it is piloting "on the fly" if the field is available to be written or "read only".


Last question: what is the equivalent of MetaAttributeUpdateTool for a MetaAssociation ?




Lionel Mazurié

Honored Contributor

Hi Lionel,  


I have found in a macro this synthaxe :


Function AttCtl_GetDefaultKind() As String
  AttCtl_GetDefaultKind = "CheckBox"
End Function


Function AttCtl_GetKind(oContext As MegaUpdateToolContext) As String 
  if oContext.MegaObject.GetProp("~ekbhT6B2DDQM[DestroyColl.Status]") = "P" Then
    AttCtl_GetKind = "Static:ReadOnly"   
    AttCtl_GetKind = "CheckBox"   
  End If
End Function



I have to try it in my case but it seems to control if an Edit field or a ComboBox can be used or is read only ! ?




Lionel Mazurié

Honored Contributor

Hello Lionel,


Yes indeed, I can check the compliancy and integrate an update in it.





Lionel Mazurié


Hello Lionel,


I'm not sure that modifying edition option "on the fly" is possible.


But instead of using virtual metaAttributes, you could use standard (i.e. "Intrisic") metaAttributes with a MetaAttributeUpdateTool macro.

You would then write your macro as follow :


Function AttCtl_GetDefaultKind() As String 
    AttCtl_GetDefaultKind = "Edit"
End Function

Function AttCtl_Update(Context, Status, ErrorMessage)
  Dim myObject
  Set myObject = Context.megaobject
  if <condition if linked to a reference> Then
    if Context.EditText <> myObject.getProp("<your metaAttribute>") then 'the attribute has been modified
      ErrorMessage = "You are not allowed to modify this Attribute because..."
      Context.EditText = myObject.getProp("<your metaAttribute>") 'to go back to the "previous" value
    end if
  end if
End Function


I'm not sure if that answers your question, but I hope so 🙂

