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Calling a macro and surpress the access dialog


I have a macro that I am running to export items to excel.  when I execute it from within MEGA I get a dialog box that requires user interaction.  It says "A process is attempting to access the MEGA repository.  Do you accept."  The user then has to click yes or no.  Is there any way to surpress this messagebox?


Here is the code I use to invoke the MEGA repo:


Dim oMEGAEnv
Dim MegaDB

Set oMEGAEnv = CreateObject("MegaRepository.CurrentEnv")
Set MegaDB = oMEGAEnv.GetRoot


I am not executing this from an object like most macros.  So <object>.getroot isn't an option.  It's a stand alone macro that we want to run outside of any object.


6 Replies



Thank you!  This is exactly what I needed!  As a side note, I originally was just trying to run this in a script window which did not work.  I had to create a test macro to give the sub context.

It is recommended to setup a GUI (menu...) to trigger this processing

Anyway it is likely this message occurs because the 'root' objet (entry point on the current repository) is not identified


In a macro, you can use a function main to get the root


Dim oRoot as MegaRoot
Dim oCurEnv as MegaCurrentEnvironment

Sub Main(Root)
 Set oRoot = Root
 Set oCurEnv = oRoot.CurrentEnvironment
 Msgbox "Count of org-unit: " & oRoot.GetCollection("Org-unit").Count
End sub

Thank you for your reply.


The problem is I am not using the API or an external program of any sort.  I have a single, stand-alone macro within MEGA that needs to access objects within MEGA.  The macro isn't called from any object or menu.  It is just run by the user by either right clicking the macro object and running it or editing it and executing within the script window.


I want the following code to run within a macro without getting the dialog box.  I'm not sure if this is a syntax thing or if it is even possible.

Dim oMEGAEnv
Dim MegaDB

Set oMEGAEnv = CreateObject("MegaRepository.CurrentEnv")
Set MegaDB = oMEGAEnv.GetRoot

Set oMEGAEnv = nothing
Set MegaDB = nothing

A token here is a string used to authentice a process

Example of string: EnableExternalOpen


You need to do 2 item

1) From the running instance of HOPEX, run a macro that creates a token

Example: example macro called by popup menu item, toke is named here

Sub CmdInvoke(mgobjSource as MegaObject, intCmdNumber as Integer)

Dim oRoot as MegaRoot
Set oRoot = mgobjSource.GetRoot()
Msgbox "Token created"

End Sub

2) In the code of the external application using API, quote this token to avoid the standard warning

Set MyRoot = oCurEnv.GetRoot("EnableExternalOpen")



I've tried this before and it doesn't work.  I may be missing something but here is the exact code I am running in the script editor and it fails.  It is mostly copied from the link you posted.



Dim CurEnv As MegaCurrentEnvironment  <-Errors here
Dim MyRoot As MegaRoot

Set MyRoot = CurEnv.GetRoot("test")

Set CurEnv = Nothing
Set MyRoot = Nothing


Here is the error it is throwing:

Script Editor Default : Microsoft VBScript compilation error line 4, offset 12 :
Error(0x800a0401) : Expected end of statement


The link talks about creating the token in MEGA and calling it from an external script.  I need this MEGA macro to be called and run within MEGA without the access dialog.  If this isnt possible then I need to know that as well.




This message is a security warning: it enables identification of calls to MEGA via API scripts allowing the user to refuse execution of possibly malicious programs.

If you know that this message corresponds to execution of a friendly program using API script answer Yes. If not answer No.

To avoid this message at execution of the API program, use the method SetOpenToken

See documentation and this KB

