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All things colour codes with Diagram programming

Honored Contributor

In my previous post I was looking for the color code values for a DrawingItem. Once I "cracked" this one I thought I'm set to get all my colors correct, unfortunally there seems to be more to it and no straight line between color attributes. The logic I found, I can not use to determine the right background color of a text field.


So I'm reaching out once more, in hope to find some guidance on the following issues.


1. How can I determine the background color of a DrawingItem of type DrwText, it's returning me a value 13353215 when I'm using the attribute oDrawingItem.Font.BackGroundColor for a background color of a text with RGB values R = 255, G = 192, B = 203

2. How can I find the border color of a DrawingItem of type DrwRectangle, I'm trying to use LineStyle but that is not successfull until now.


Thanks in advance

1 Reply

Honored Contributor

Question 2 solved by using the Pen.Color attribute of the DrawingItem. Only one more issue to solve with colours with regards to the text fields.