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!HOPEX V3! - Install graphQL REST API add-on


️ Follow this step to install the GraphQL REST API add-on on HOPEX V3. You will learn in this video how to proceed the wizard, how to cnfigure the Web.config, configure IIS and adjust access rights.


22 Replies

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner


Can you please help with downloading the add-on? Where can it be downloaded - I couldn't understand it from the video.



Add-on can be downloaded from the HOPEX Store :

I have installed Hopex V3 and was testing GraphQL but getting attached error. Can you please guide me whats wrong am doing. ? I am following all steps of installing and configuring GraphQL mentioned in above video.
Thanks,GraphQL Issue.PNG
Javed Zahid

I have installed Hopex V3 and was testing GraphQL but getting attached error. Can you please guide me whats wrong am doing. ? I am following all steps of installing and configuring GraphQL mentioned in above video.
Thanks,GraphQL Issue.PNG
Javed Zahid

Did you put the right HOPEX platform level ? CP ? HF ?


Moreover did you configure the web.config in IIS for GraphQL ?

  • security key
  • URL
  • environment ID
  • repository ID
  • login/pwd

The installation have been performed in a wide range of situation and work. It is either something you missed or a new case we have never envountered.

Trusted Contributor

Hello Olivier, 


We have successfully installed and tested the GraphQL add-on in our dev environment.

It works great and we can see a lot of potential for it.


We have a 1/2 question(s) for you though.: 


Currently, the SDL Schema comes from the add-on. Is there any plan that it could be generated from the current metamodel, so we can also access the data from our customization ?

Or is there any way of generating a SDL from it ?


Also, why is it necessary to further add the environmentid/repositoryid/profileid in the X-Hopex-Context ? Can't it be derived from the Bearer token ?







There is a tool that generate the schema from the MetaModel. This tool is not yet published and will soon be available on the HOPEX Store with the add-on. This tool generate a subset of the metamodel based on a metamodel diagram that you select.


In V3 and V4 the environment ID, repository ID, profile ID are mandatory. We are exploring other way to manage authentication to avoid needing these information.


Thanks for your feedback.

Hello @oguimard 


You say that environment ID, repository ID, and profile ID are mandatory to manage authentification.

Does it mean that features we may develop with GraphQL will be then available only on 1 environment/repository ?



New Contributor

When installing on a standalone installation GraphQL works as expected. But we installed in a cluster environment (Web, MWAS, SSP servers with HTTPS for UAS and SSP) and is doesn't work (shows only a white screen with no text and an empty log file). Tried to install on the Web server (seems to have no HOPEX DLLs there) and on MWAS server (no HOPEXAPI application pool there).