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Custom background page for V2 web client

Honored Contributor



I've created a custom MetaPicture and associated it as background image to a "Tiles Desktop" in V2CP5.04. I've also embedded the image file in the MetaPicture as explained in a KB article I found. When I open the properties of the MetaPicture I can see the image in the "Vizualization" tab, but on the web client, I only see a grey background. I also cleared the images cache. Is there anything I'm missing? Does the image file need to be placed in any specific folder?




3 Replies

Hi Dave,


I added the image used in the embedded metapicture to the MEGA_Usr folder of the environment, MEGA_Usr folder of every site, and the inetpub\wwwroot\hopex\images folder of every web server...still no luck Smiley Sad


Thanks for the suggestion.


Have you tried putting the file in the Mega_Usr folder of the Environment?

Honored Contributor



Does anyone have any thoughts/recommendations on this?

