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Using Postman to call the REST API


Calling the REST API can be done with a wide range of tools. In this post we explain how to leverage postman to make HTTP request to the API.


The main steps to use postman with the HOPEX REST API are :

  1. Download postman 
  2. Download postman collection that contains all the endpoints 
  3. Import the collection in postman (replace or copy when prompted)
  4. Download the environments variables (file is located on this post to be resolve for the endpoints : URL, login, password...
  5. Import the environments variables (replace or copy if prompted)
  6. Fill(in the variables with the value applicable for your installation
  7. Execute the fist HTTP request to get an UAS bearer token
  8. Call the SDL schema and save the file to add in postman API
  9. Use any of the endpoints to build you graphQL queries

Below a video explain how to do it :


1 Reply

Senior Member



The "Run in Postman" on the Download Postman collection page button does not seem to be working. Is there another way to get the GraphQL schema?

