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Packaging the customized profile in V5

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner



With the introduction of creating packages for customizations in HOPEX V5, how can we package the customized profile? There are "Data Writing Access" rules which don't allow users to change certain properties of profiles from Mega.exe.




However, it is allowed to make changes from Administration.exe by using "System" user. So how can we package the changes - anyone has experience with this please?

8 Replies

We have an issue in the standard logic.

While we fix it the solution is to edit the profil HOPEX Customizer and check "Profile administratator" Yes







@AHassan Could you share by email the module custom you have. Thanks in advance



can you raise a ticket to support and mentionned me in the email.


Thanks in advance


I have been strugling with this issue, the "easy" way is to add the customizer profile to the macro in the section where it asks for the current profile. Easiest, you could remove the rule from the Profile metaclass but that will "open" profile modification to everyone. I haven't found any administration option that could overwrite it.  Even using Dev mode of the HAS (that's mandatory for creating package). 




These are standard data access rules by MEGA, we didn't define these rule. These are there in V5.




In your situation you have no other option than to defined the data acces rule in  a way that allows such modification.


Why do you defined data access rule on profile ? 



The above option is set to "Authorize" and I am also on the developement server. In V5, it is not possible to change profiles by using Mega.exe because there is data writing access rule which does not allow changes to Profiles. So how can we package the changes when we cannot make changes via Mega.exe?

Such changes are allowed from Administration.exe by using "System" user.





When you do such changes on standard MEGA object you need to ensure that :

  • when you create the package
  • when you import the package

The option to enable MEGA object modification is enabled.

Otherwise your import will fail.


