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Overview Assessment Module

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

I don't have much experience using the Hopex Assessment Module. I tried to read the manual but I had a lot of difficulty understanding the concepts and using them correctly. Can anyone share a video of creating a new assessment and associating the results with the object. I would be very grateful.

3 Replies

I am not aware of any videos but have you seen the below information about computation rules out of the box.

You can also check the training material for IRM module by consulting your accounts manager.

I hope this helps but if you have different factors to evaluate the probability and impact of the risk for assessments, then I guess you need to create a new assessment template.

Yes I understand that assessments by default are different for each component and I would like to understand how can I create a new assessment that can assess Probability and Impact for a Risk. This is because the methodology we use to define a Probability of a Risk occurring is not straightforward. Our methodology considers other factors to evaluate. Have you any material explain that? thanks in advanced

Honored Contributor
Assessments work differently for different objects?

Which object are you trying to assess? Applications? Business Capabilities?