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"Generation of database" via api (vbscript)

Super Contributor

I'm using Hopex v1R3, desktop app.
I'm writing a vbscript to scan some environments/repositories for databases, and then generate all ddl.
I'm stuck on the "generation of database" part.

I'm sure it is possible to start this generation from the database object, in this vbscript (with parameters on where to save the ddl).
Can someone help me with the command and syntax?

(Attached a "visual" for clarification.)

Thx a lot.

3 Replies

Yes, This works. Thanks a lot for this. Very helpfull.


you don't have to use Generation rule 'DB2 OS 390 V8::Database'" directly...

try with this sample:


set oRep = GetRoot
Set oDbs = oRep.GetCollection("Database")
Set oDb = oDbs.Item(1)
Set oRule = oRep.GetObjectFromId("~WIENN6s(tO30[Database Container RootLevel]")
print oDb.Name + " - " + oRule.Name
oDb.GenerateCode oRule,"C:\Temp\", true



Super Contributor

I tried this from the script-editor


set oRep = GetRoot
Set oDbs = oRep.GetCollection("Database")
Set oDb = oDbs.Item(1)
Set oRules = oRep.GetSelection("select [generation rule] where [name] ='DB2 OS 390 V8::Database'")
Set oRule = oRules.Item(1)
print oDb.Name + " - " + oRule.Name
oDb.GenerateCode oRule,"C:\Temp\", true



No errors on executing, but this doesn't seem to do anything.
Any thoughts?