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Referencing Person (System) Instances by Company Employee ID


I'm wondering what other users of the GraphQL REST API are using as an identifier attribute to save the company employee ID on a Person (System) instance in HOPEX.


There are several candidates to achieve this:

  • externalID
  • userCode
  • windowsLogin

But each of those has restrictions:

  • externalID doesn't seem to be available in the standard schemas on Person (System)
  • userCode is limited to six characters
  • userCode as well as windowsLogin can't even be read by a user with the 'HOPEX Administrator' profile (not speaking about writing to these attributes...)

So how have others resolved the requirement to identify a Person (System) instance in HOPEX using an (external) company employee id?


Looking forward to hearing about creative solutions!

Or is there a suggested approach by MEGA, @oguimard ?

6 Replies


Thanks for your replies so far.

For the time being we use 'externalId' to hold the employee number.

Super Contributor



We are using the Attribute "Initials" on Person (System) to store the Emloyee ID and to match it with the SSO. 


Kind regards


@hsoegaard Interesting. Looks like we have to go that way as well.

We have for certain projects added metaattributes to the Person (System) metaclass, e.g. data da is being received from SAP HR.

Thanks for pointing out the situation with the SystemDB.

Would it also be possible to modify the Person System class in the SystemDB to inherit externalID (or add it)?



Person System is stored in the SystemDB repository. Thus, it does not contain the external Identifier defined at Generic Object level. Only MetaClass located in repository inherit it


There is no standard field out-of-the box to achieve your use case for this MetaClass.


Without additional customization, only comment could host a ID bigger enough to come from another system.