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HOPEX V5 - Preventing Accidental Object Deletion

Honored Contributor



We are using HOPEX V5 and we are not using the transaction feature (i.e. private workspaces) for our architect users.  


Actually, this is default setup in V5 for example IT Architect profile.


The question we have now is how to ensure that an architects using IT Archictect profile (or others) doesn't accidentally delete an important object?

For example, imagine the impact of someone deleting your main bus. capability model.


Now, I know we can lock objects - and that can potentially be a solution for individual objects.

But - as far as I can tell - objects do not "inherit" lock status from their parent.  So, if I wanted to ensure my capability map doesn't get deleted - I would need to lock every single capability and sub-capability in the map.   this doesn't seem practical.


Thanks for any tips/suggestions



3 Replies

Did you think about using Writing Access Areas? But this will also mean that users with lower Writing Access Areas will not be able to modify those objects.

Honored Contributor

Thanks @rsutcliffe ,

That could be the solution - I'll look into it more.

However, not sure this is exactly what I need.

I don't want to prevent someone with a profile (IT Architect) to delete all busines capability maps.     They *should* be able to delete some maps.  

What I'm after is to lock down specific capability maps (and all the sub-capabilities in the map)  


Hi Ben,


Its possible to lock access to objects using CRUDs settings for each profile in Permission Management so that they are unable to delete certain objects. 


I hope that you find this information helpful.

Kind regards,