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Exporting library contains no data

Trusted Contributor


 I'm trying to export an entire library for backup purposes but the content of the resulting mgr file doesn't contain any object of the livrary


How can I save every single object of a specific library ?




4 Replies

Trusted Contributor

Hi Philippe, 


I thought it worked as the number of # exported objects is the same:

	Base		: PSPDesign
***********************************************************\RG\Library BIM.mgr
Library BIM
Exporting 18841 objects

However, the resulting doccument doesn't contain munch of the differents objects specificities.

I will open a case with Mega.


Thanks a lot for you help, it is much appreciated!





Honored Contributor

Hi Raphael,


This might work: Select [packaged element] Where [Owner Packager]:[library] = &lib


when you run the query, enter the name of your library.


Kind regards,


Trusted Contributor

Thanks for your answer...


I'm very surprised too...

Here is the Excecution report: 18841 objects exported


and the content of the mgr file:

- Execution       : Extraction (2017/10/13 18:41:57)
- File exported   : ******************************************************RG\Library BIM.mgr
- Environment     : ************************************************************************
- DataBase        : PSPDesign
- User            : RGenin
- Options         : Definition of path of MetaAssociation -> M2013
- Perimeter       : ~Bav0cNnAjyQR[Standard for export]
- ************************************************************************************************

- Root objects:
-      BIM
- Library                                 BIM
- Report Parameter Value                  BIM::BIM - Data Model Implementation::Data Models
- Report Parameter Value                  BIM::BIM - Data Model Implementation-1::Data Models
- Mapping                                 BIM::BIM::Entities::Entities
- Mapping                                 BIM::BIM::Entities::Entities-1
- Mapping                                 BIM::BIM::Entities::Entities-2
- Mapping                                 BIM::BIM::Entities::Entities-3
- Mapping                                 BIM::Pricing::Pricing-1
- Mapping                                 BIM::Pricing::Pricing-2
- Mapping                                 BIM::Pricing::Pricing
- Mapping                                 BIM::BIM::Mapping
- Mapping Item                            CashMargin <-> CashMargin
- Mapping Item                            CollateralizedDebtObligation <-> CollateralizedDebtObligation
- Mapping Item                            FixedIncome <-> FixedIncome
- Mapping Item                            Forward <-> Forward
- Mapping Item                            Futures <-> Futures
- Mapping Item                            name <-> name_2
- Mapping Item                            name <-> name_3
- Mapping Item                            pspEmployeeSupervisorID <-> pspEmployeeSupervisorID
- Mapping Item                            ruleID <-> ruleID
- Mapping Item                            ruleOrder <-> ruleOrder
- Mapping Item                            totalVotingSharesValue <-> totalVotingSharesValue
- Mapping Item                            ID_FinancialInstrument <-> FK_
- Mapping Item                            ID_Employee <-> FK_
- Mapping Item                            Option <-> Option
- Mapping Item                            PooledFund <-> PooledFund
- Mapping Item                            Share <-> Share
- Mapping Item                            Swap <-> Swap
- Mapping Item                            FitchLongTermCreditRating <-> FitchLongTermCreditRating
- Mapping Item                            pspEmployeeID <-> pspEmployeeID
- Mapping Item                            employeeLastName <-> employeeLastName
- Mapping Item                            votingRightsPerShare <-> votingRightsPerShare

Strange, isn't it ?


PS: How could I select all objects of a single library in a query (without doing a seperate query or union-query for every type of object ?)

Honored Contributor

Hi Raphael,


I'm a little surprised the propagation didn't include the objects in the Library...

However, you can add additional objects to export using the first icon on the left in the "Objects" section of the Export window. You can then run a query on all items in the library, and add them to the scope of the export.