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Error when generating a PDF from a Report

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

I have two different customers, both running in a Citrix environement on Hopex V1R3 CP14 Windows client, where they are getting the following error when trying to convert a Report into PDF:


Shell Error 5 on file Error: The report cannot be run. : The operating system denied access to the specified file.



Excel and Word works fine, only PDF dosnt work. Any ideas? I guees it might have something to do with access right/security settings on the citrix servers.

4 Replies

Thanks. We will try the workaround.


There is a known issue in the thrid party component used to generated PDF.

Fixed with HOPEX V2.

In the meantime with HOPEX V1R2-V1R3, change permission to the folder Mega_Std of tyhe HOPEX installation

Enable permission 'modify' for users running HOPEX process


It could also be another error related to a specific report template.


Yes, both have Adobe Reader installed on the Citrix servers


Can you cross check if they have adobe reader installed on the server.