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Copy Repository From DB

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

Can I Copy a repository database from SQL Server and use it as a Seperate Repository identical data to original?

5 Replies

You are very welcome and glad I could help. To be fair, it was buried a bit in the online documentation Smiley Wink

Trusted Contributor

Thank you for the swift response. ...excactly what I needed and in front on my eyes...

Hello RGenin,


We have all the information related to duplicating an environment or a repository of an existing environment in our V2R1 online documentation here:


The section you would want to focus on now is this one:



I hope that helps 🙂





Trusted Contributor

Thanks for the answer ! Just to confirm :


So all you need is to open the targed DB, and change DBNAME,DBIDABS and REFERENCEFILE in table A_DBINFOS ?


We had asked our DBAs to clone a Repository to another name, but upon restoration (without changing the afore mentioned table) we have this issue :



Thanks again !

Super Contributor

yes , you can do it. 
if you want to create a repository under same system db , then you need to change repository name , its hexidb (you can give random), its transaction location  in DB . and you need to restore using name you choose as repository name .