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Is there a way to add legend to diagrams ?

Honored Contributor


Current guidance in our EA organization is that all architecture diagrams show a legend to help  the reader understand the details.


HOPEX by default does not display legend on diagrams.


Is it possilbe to add?


For example, "Application Structure Diagram" or "Application System Environment Diagram".

2 Replies

Honored Contributor

@hsoegaard I'm aware of "Title block" shap - it is useful.  Probably needs a "Customizer" or "Customizer Publisher" role to make it function as a legend. I'll explore. Thanks again.

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

Hi, There is a "Title block" shape that can be inserted into diagrams, which probably can be tailored to insert information about diagram type etc. There is already a field you can insert for the diagram type.