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Is there MetaModel Design pattern for Set Attributes

Super Contributor

We have  a few cases where we want something wich is essentially a MetaAttribute with fixed values (enum), but we want to allow multiple values at the same time.


For example we have the enum {A, B, C} then an Object can have the values {}, {A}, {B}, {C}, {A,B}, {A,C}, {B,C}, {A,B,C}.

For smaller enums we have seen that there is a boolean MetaAttribute for each possible value, but for larger enums this becomes impractical, especially when the enum can change.


Is there a recommended design patterns for such attributes? We have implemented the larger case via a MetaAssociation to the MetaClass MetaAttributeValue and configured the recommended values to be the MetaAttributeValues associated to a n unused "template attribute" of type enum.

1 Reply


Hello Alros

The HOPEX plateform enables to enter and save such values

Example in standard Metamodel ~MZUVmy73FT1K[Behavior Capabilities]

It will be necessary to customize propertypage to get and appropriate display (expert customization)


See KB
