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SelectQuery: window shows 2 colums local name & Name. Add extra columns??

Super Contributor

I've written a simple VB Script that selects some attributes and connects them to a class. (I call the VB Script through a MetaCommand an class).


In the VB Script I use the function SelectQuery to narrow down the original selection.

All OK until now. The window for SelectQuery shows like it should, I can select the attributes that I want to connect to the class, but It's not always easy to find the correct attributes, I would like to add an extra column to the window. Besides local name and name I would like to add for instance SQL Name as well. Is it possible and can you tell me how I can implement this...


Sub CmdInvoke(objMega, intCommandNumber)
			Dim myRoot
			Dim IsolAttr, ColAttrToConnect
			Dim AttrToConnect

			set myRoot = MegaEnv.GetRoot		
			set IsolAttr = myRoot.GetSelection("Select [Attribute] Where not [Class]")
			'msgbox "IsolAttr = " & isolattr.count
			ColAttrToConnect = IsolAttr.selectquery("Select Attributes to connect",false)
			if ColAttrToConnect.count > 0 then
			  for each AttrToConnect in ColAttrToConnect
			end if
end sub


3 Replies



This pop-up of HOPEX cannot be customized to add additionnal columns. It is based on the operator "selectquery" that rely on source code not accessible to customers.

Super Contributor

Hi Christoph,

sadly no, I'm still searching and/or waiting for someone to help.

Super Contributor



I am interested by the same topic. Did you find a solution to add other columns ?


Best resgards,