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Protecting model elements / relationships from deletion in Reference Architectures

Super Contributor

Hello MEGA community,


I was wondering what would be the recommended best practice for protecting model elements and relationships from deletion (e.g. in Reference Architectures)?


Specifically, we've defined a set of several hundred reference definitions of Business Services and IT Services, as well as relationships among them (e.g. composition, serves, etc.).


We'd like to encourage our MEGA users to use these reference services (e.g. copy them on to their diagrams and relate their Business Functions / Business Processes / Applications / etc. to the services.

We want to ensure however that users don't delete the reference elements (i.e. services or their relationships) from the model. The objects are already protected from deletion, however the relationships are still deletable by users (it only involves a selection of a relationship and the press of the "delete" key on a diagram, and it is gone from the model!).


We are finding that the inconsistent function of the delete key in diagrams (e.g. delete removes an object from a diagram while retaining it in the model, but deleting a relationship removes it from the model) is causing grief in our repository as users are using the delete key to (forever) "hide" relationships... 😞


I'm considering moving the objects (service definitions) into a separate Data writing area that the users don't have write permission on, but I'd like to validate that by doing this it will protect the relationships among the services from deletion as well. On that note, I'm also wondering whether there is a way to assign all relevant objects to a different writing area (i.e. bulk update)? I've tried reassigning objects using the spreadsheet update, but the writing area is ignored.




Andrew Greff

1 Reply




Writing access area management can prevent deletion of links

It depends on how the MetaAssociation/MetaAssociationEnd involved is configured (property MetaProtection active/inactive).

You need to review metamodel and tune it.


Property 'writing access area level' as a special status an cannot be updated using Excel import wizard. You can use command files or API script. 


