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Process versioning for web site generation

Trusted Contributor

Is there a recommended policy for process versioning? Some processes are in production version, some might still be in development so I don't want to publish those processes to web site or don't want to overwrite current process. What is the best way to accomplish this?

3 Replies


There is aa couple of things you can do, that does not require tailoring of the metamodel.

  1. You can use Libraries to indicate that you have processes in the pipeline. We usually have a Projects Library and the main enterprise Library. In the projects we have all the new and upcoming processes. You can also use EA Projects to handle this.
  2. If, not already done, you activate the Quality feature in the Option settings, you will see a new Quality Tab on the processes. Here you have some Dates fields that you can use to indicate when a process has been approved.
    Sometimes we tailor the Review workflow to update these fields when a process is being approved.
  3. Ones you process is in the Governance loop, and depending on your release cycle, you can use the Collaborative Workspaces to allow you to work on the approved process, while keeping the approved process, checked out in the main repository. When the changes has been completed, you can dispatch and close you collaborative workspace and Automatically update the approved version in the main repository. This way you only one repository, and that is much easier to handle.

Trusted Contributor

Thanks. That requires some work but is a solution. I suppose simple one is to have development and production repository. When process is ready, export from dev and import into prod. I suppose this is good for start.

Trusted Contributor

What we have done internally is to add a custom meta-attribute for diagrams (Draft, draft published, approved, ect) and then we have modified the query to the web site generation to only publish the ones we would like to be on the intranet.