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MWAS, please help me fix it so that the api works


I am sending a short extract from the log
colleagues will wait for your answer, management is already angry , Version:

"Result": "Fail",
"Info": "Unable to get MWAS url. Please retry later and check your configuration if it doesn't work.",
"Data": null

MwasManager.cs(41) Could not find a MWAS node for env=If1gigwTXbHI dataLang=JaHmw8yV6X70 guiLang=00(6wlHmk400 profile=(aE2vwG6HTH1. Exception: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined. SSP mwasnode reply: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?> <Error> <description>empty response</description> <code>1592</code> <com>ok</com> <pid>2360</pid> <request n="8" type="GET"> <host></host>

2023-08-31 09:59:56,539 [52] DEBUG /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/MegaApi-1-133378857863427793 - IP:, UserName:NPR\MS-HQ-EATOOL_T
2023-08-31 09:59:56,546 [52] DEBUG /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/MegaApi-1-133378857863427793 - Unable to get MWAS url. Please retry later and check your configuration if it doesn't work.
2023-08-31 09:59:56,546 [52] DEBUG /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/MegaApi-1-133378857863427793 - ErrorMega: Unable to get MWAS url. Please retry later and check your configuration if it doesn't work.

info -0x207c "SSPService-1855(env:(null), gendata:FindSession, data:Y)5pEoSQGn4M|If1gigwTXbHI|hopexapimwas)"
info -0x207c "SSPService-1855=session not found"
info -0x207c "SSPService-1856(env:(null), gendata:MWASGetTargetNode, data:env-If1gigwTXbHI|datalang-JaHmw8yV6X70|guilang-|profile-(aE2vwG6HTH1)"
erro r-0x207c "ERR065 - can't get available mwas node"
info -0x207c "SSPService-1856=No MWAS node available"
erro r-0x207c "FCGIERROR:{line:1592, pid=0x21fc, count:48, method:GET, url:/MEGASSP/mwasnode.mgsp}"

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