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MEGA newbie question on query language


Using Web query interface and trying do do a simple query of all diagrams with attributional information e.g. creator, creation date etc.   Just using simple "Select diagram" gets me the list of diagrams.  But the only data elements visible in the results set are "Name" and "Local name".   I can use the columns dropdown to see the addition infomation for "Nature" and "Shapes" version but none of the other attributional information is listed in the dropdown.   I don't see any way to get the other attributional information listed above.


What am I missing?

3 Replies

I have MetaModel Access set to "Expert".   The interesting thing is that I only see this issue in the web frontend.   When I use the desktop application it works as expected - all attributes are visible.


The other interesting point is if  I query "Application" instead of "Diagram" I have no problem seeing all the attributes both in the web and desktop clients.



You may also need to check your user options. If you go to "Tools > Options > Repository", what do you see for value in the "MetaModel Access" setting? You may need to set it to a higher value in order to see additional attibutes in the properties or available columns for the query results.



You need to add the columns  "Creator"  and "Creation Date" to the list of customized columns settings option.

So that you can see the information.

