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How to Set the Mandatory and Not Mandatory for Field in HOPEX v5

MEGA Partner
MEGA Partner

Dear ALL HOPEX Expert!

As Completeness the Field in several Modul/Features in HOPEX, sometimes I need these fields to be filled in (Mandatory) and some are not mandatory to be filled in (Not Mandatory). May I know for configurations related to this need in what section/module/feature is in HOPEX? kindly advise

Thank you so much for your attention,

Ery Eryanto

3 Replies

No problem at all! Glad to hear you were able to progress.

Hi @jcamara ,

Thank you for reply to my post feed, I already found the workaround related this, again! Thank you very much.

Kind regards,

Ery Eryanto



Have you reviewed our kbase article 00006464?


I hope that helps!