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Hopex RFC email issue

Super Contributor

Dear community,


When sending an RFC from the context menu of an object, i want to receiven an email with the name of this object.

Sending the email is working fine, but how should i configure the email body to contain this object data ?


this is the emailbody :

Send Mail for Submission

[@WorkflowSubjectProperty=~s0jKqEbCA590[Requester Name]@] submitted the following Request for Change: [@WorkflowSubjectProperty=~210000000900[Name]@]




object :

[@BeginAllAttachedObjects@] - [@AttachedObjectProperty=~210000000900[Name]@][@EndAllAttachedObjects@] 

[@BeginAllAttachedObjects@] - [@AttachedObjectProperty=MegaField@][@EndAllAttachedObjects@]


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