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Hopex Cloud solution Questionnaire creation version 2.1

Super Contributor

Is it possible to generate a new questionaire related to applications within the ITPM product of the Hopex hosted solution?


All the manual pages seem to be part of the product power studio and the screenshots are all windows screens. Within the cloud option I have created a questionaire template, but then the manual deviates significantly to the hosted solution when it comes to creating questions and possible answers. Does anyone know of a manual for the hopex cloud product relating to questionarires?


The data collection has been organised in a less than optimised way with vendor support teams being asked to fill in answers on a spreadsheet, some of which will relate to software technologies and data flows to be loaded into the prospective metaclasses which we are more confident with. However some of the questions are more value related with the hope that we can create a questionaire mapping to the spreadsheet and then import into a questionaire via the excel load process. thus getting the results available as if it was a normal questionaire response.

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