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Generate an id when creating a new application

New Contributor



I want to generate an id for each new applications.

So I have created a new metaAttribute for the metaObject "application". I have also created a vb script which generate this id.


My questions is where do i need to put this script to be runned each time a new object application is created ? (and so the new application has its id).


Note : I try to put the script in a metaWizardCreator and in metaTool linked to the metaObject "application". This work fine when I create a new application manually with mega interface but this doesn't work when I import new applications which the excel import tool.




3 Replies


It is possible to design an Excel termplate for import that calls macro

Template slould be designed in Windows Front-End but can be used in Web Front-End


See online documentation 

Common Features  :  Using the Repository   :  Exchanging Data with Excel   :  Creating Predefined Template Files (Windows Front-End)   :  Using Macros in Excel Import/Export Files 


Thanks for your answer.

I have created a vb macro to generate the id and added to a metawizard linked to the metaobject "application". And this work then I create a new object.

I also want theese id to be generate when i import applications from excel (with using excel import tool). Is it possible to add my macro to the excel import tool ?






There is no generic feature to insert additional code at creation


It is possible to trigger code when running though a creation wizard (Metawizard)

There is a standard Metawizard for the MetaClass application.

You can extend this Metawizard by adding additional page that can trigger additional code


See documentation 'Wizards Implementation – Tutorial'


Note that with HOPEX, there is not data type (MetaAttribute Type) such as autonumber (when a counter is incremented automatically)
