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Images in Diagrams

Hello Mega support team and Community members,Still not possible in latest's versions of AQUILA to add Images in Diagrams ?Very very old request available in lots of Modeling/Diagramming tools today .....Thanks in advance fro your responses. 

TDucher by Super Contributor
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linea in diagrame

Hi, How can I remove some lines in the diagram that resemble page divisions, when I print they don't appear, but they bother to work, I don't know what to activatethank you

(Re)fresh DataSet for reports

I have a reqeest from users that says it is a problem, that they should wait for report-updates. Sometimes report updates can take several minutes i HOPEX.Are there any way you can refresh reports using the scheduler in HOPEX, so they can be refreshe...

Hopex Architect v6 Software Technologies

Hi all,In Hopex V6, we are using the BDNA technologies imported when necessary as a Software Technology.We don't have the full definition of all the possible fields in the list (some are obvious, some not at all). Especially we don't know those comin...

hopexvic by New Member
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A View that Stores the List of All Customization

Hi All,Is there one place / view / report in HOPEX V5 CP6 where we can find the list of all the customization (e.g. custom MetaAttribute, MetaAssociation, DataSet Definition, Reports, Login Background, etc. ) we have done since the beginning until no...

app2020 by New Contributor
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Link to API Postman Environment Variables does not work

Hi Mega,The link in the documentation for downloading the environment variables does not exist anymore.HOPEX Aquila EN - Documentationhttps://community.mega.com/mega/attachments/mega/api/4/1/Sample.postman_environment.zip - Link to environment variab...

Resolved! How to associate a Report Template with a Metaclass

Given that I have a Report Template that works well given that you give it an Application System as the root metaclass.How can I associate that report template with the Application System object - so it appears as an option under the "Reporting" tab ...

Partner IT Service in an Application Environment

HOEX SMEs,Curious why HOPEX allows you to add a "Partner IT Service" in an Application Environment diagrams (Structure, Scenario).IT Services is an internal component of another Application.    So, when we add Flows or Interactions to the Partner IT ...

IT Policy and Regulatory Compliance - EA Playbook

Hello Community Users, Let’s bring clarity when facing an increasingly complex regulatory landscape with various requirements, and growing IT and security risks. To strengthen resilience facing security and IT risks, and to optimize addressing regula...

Resolved! Error 009

Good afternoon, in version 6 of AQUILA I get the user error 009, how can you fix it from the administrator module and reassign the licenses, thanksTatiana 

Process Map Filter in CIO Dashboard Hopex v4

Good morning dear Mega communityI have the following case, I would like to know if it is possible to make this adjustment:We are currently developing a portal for the risk module, where it is required to visualize from the heat map, a filter that can...

Resolved! TreeSet Definition Preview Crash - Where are the Error Logs?

Hi All,I am building a TreeSet Defintion in our DEV instance of HOPEX SaaS - Workbench Edition.After some modifications - the Preview started to Crash.I get a message to check the logs.But , its not clear where I can find the error logs.Any help appr...


Resolved! Crows foot notation in conceptual data models

Has anyone been able to activate Information Engineering (crows foot) notation for Concept Domain Diagrams?My current default is the standard notation, showing arrows and cardinality (0, 1, *), which is a hard sell when talking to business stakeholde...

antpopple by Super Contributor
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Case Portal not rendering

The Case Portal isn't working for me - it's throwing the following console error:Refused to execute script from 'https://apics.mega.com/community/proxy.aspx?callback=jQuery351035768912720188184_1736195841521&mgun=xxxx&cpage=open&csub=&reload=&accid=&...

How to Create Stacked Bars diagram?

All,I am trying to create a Stacked Bars diagram but don't know how.I also don't see "Stacked Bars" documented anwhere.For example,  I am trying to create Applications by Portfolio - stacked by Obsolescence Risk.I have enabled the option "Display Sta...


Resolved! What is "Scheduled" in Applications Overall State IT APM Report

Hello,In our org - we use the default State Machine called "Default Artifact Lifecycle.  It has three states: However,  when I create a ITPM report called "Applications Overall State" - I get other states, like this:RetiredPreparationProductionSchedu...

BenAvdicevic_0-1733150339812.png BenAvdicevic_1-1733150471439.png

TreeSet Collection Reference

When logged in as Customizer Publisher via the Web Front-End,  and when creating a new TreeSet DefinitionHow to use TreeSet Collection Reference Option?What is it and how is it different than just create a new TreeSet Collection ? What goes in Field ...

BenAvdicevic_0-1735334408234.png BenAvdicevic_1-1735334511502.png

Resolved! Report to show Flows/Exchanges between a "set" of Applications

Hi Mega Community,Our users are asking if they can create a report like "Exchanges between Applications" but for an add-hoc list of Applications.For example -  An architect wants to do some analysis for 5 assets.  He quickly wants to see Exchanges be...

List of MetaClasses and Attributes available through the API

Hi,I was wondering if there is any information available anywhere on how to use the metaclassses and attributes with GraphQL and API functionality.There seems to be a naming convention on how different metaclasses are represented in GraphQL E.g. orga...


Resolved! Application Exchange Graph

  The Application Exchange Graph is a new instant report that shows a graph of exchanges between selected applications. (HOPEX V2R1 - update 3)

1.1.1. Application Exchange Graph ITPM U3.PNG

Diagram API : Shapes and Details

Hi Community,Is there a way to manage shapes and details of a diagram dynamicaly using the Java API (for example to hide a field of an object in the diagram before saving it as a picture)?I've tried to use the method "MegaDrawing.getShapesAndDetails(...

abaidas by Super Contributor
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[HOPEX360] Dashboard : Donut customization

Hello all.Does anybody know how to reorder the legend for a donut chart in the HOPEX 360 dashboards ?  I my case the legent contains a list of MetaAttributeValues. I would like to sort the values in the right order (as it is defined in the MetaModel)...

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